Monday, December 10, 2007


At a rally Thursday in New York City, Senator Barack Obama referenced the previous night's debate to criticize his opponents. The best way to hurt your opponent is to hit them where it hurts after all they have been doing it to him, by saying how fresh he is to Washington and politics. Social Security, the war in Iraq all the things we want answers to he did not directly give any answerer's but then again he didn't have to as long as he got the crowd going. Then at a later speech he made comments on his own weakness which are his experiences in Washington. First by admitting that he may not have the experience they want him to have but... He has the knowledge. And lets face it people knowledge is power. He went on by saying he has the experience America needs "right now". The problem is not a problem any longer over the past sever months he has shown he has what it takes to continue this race he has the people on his side and he has his competitors shaking with the fear that they might have been wrong about him. Obama has been a community organizer, a civil rights attorney, a law proffer, a state senator, and a United States Senator all over the course of twenty years so controversy no more. He's turned it around for himself by turning his weakness into his strength.

The know it all vs. the know nothing at all...

Is Hillary Clinton on the prowl? Well she seems to be preying on Barack Obama's lack of knowledge. The first lady seems to know it all well lets face it, this is not her first round in the white house she has been down this road before. It has been said that although the late president Bill Clinton was the head she just so happened to be the neck holding him up telling him which direction to go in. Although Obama has not been around long he seems to give her a run for her money "literally". In every city Clinton goes to she reminds the people of how we might not want a new guy running a country that is already in trouble. But I beg to differ, America is looking for a change, a breath if fresh air and Clinton may be a bit pushy in delivering her message. Obama is up by 3% not by being pushy but by reminding us of what the know it all have done. The new guy has done his home work and knows where we've been but he also knows where we want to go. Not long ago he was closer to where we are than Clinton. .And the people want someone they can relate to not someone who seems to know it all. Oprah Winfrey appeared with Senator Barack Obama. Chelsea Clinton joined her mother on the campaign trail for the first time. While Clinton was giving a speech she brought up her mother and her daughter speaking on generation and how thru the differant generations we change, but my question to you is are we ready for the change Obama can bring or Clinton.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Gonna put on my dancin shoes...

Gonna put on my dancing shoes, and... wait this is the presidential election not a dancing contest so why is it that Hillary was out dancing the rest of the candidates.
New York governor Elliot Spitcher has decided to give driver license to illegal immigrants, but that means they are no longer illegal right? Does that also mean they will pay taxes just like the rest of us? Well lets hope so. Is there an echo in here because this sounds familiar, that's because it is. In 2004 a republican governor enclosed legislation to give driver license to illegal immigrants in Florida, the culprit Jed Bush.


Hillary Clinton the senator of New York asks "what are we going to do with all the illegal immigrants?" also saying, "I did not say it should be done, but I certainly recognize why governor spitcher is trying to do it".
Barack Obama, also a democrat candidate says, "I am confused on her answer" Maybe he is confused because of his lack of experience and needless to say knowledge in politics, it's a dirty game boys. I don't know if he can take the punches he throwing. When the boxing gloves were given to Clinton her reply was"I'll go ten rounds for Americas working citizens". But is an illegal immigrant an American Citizen? Not until they all get drivers license and socials'. Senator Chris Dodd a democrat for the presidential candidacy was the only one who actually said no, "a driver license is a privilege, and should not be extended". If you can't beat them... gang up on them.
Obama, took a low blow trying to get dirty taking it back to when she defended bush at the beginning of the war but as we all know her statement was at that time "if I knew then what I know now my choice would have been different" why is it he backed her then and not now. Politics is a dirty game, and Obama just can't help himself. Bill Richardson, defending Clinton by suggesting things were getting a little too personal. I agree to disagree, no that's what Clinton would say, This a debate aren't things supposed to get personal.
"Both dismissive of effort to enforce our nations immigration laws and entirely unwilling to offer a straight answer to a very direct question" from a Romney Spokesman. Talk about your accusations, but this was not an accusation this is the plain truth. The question is why won't Hillary Clinton give a straight answer to the questions she's being asked? Gonna put on those dancing shoes and kick up some dust, but at some point the answers will come out. I certainly hope she is not just telling us what we want to hear. Like for example when she is elected the war will be over, no way. There is no way we can pull out of a war after everything we've gone Thur. Question: do you have answers, Or are you telling us what we want to hear? Either way Clinton is still in the lead.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"The race is on... again"

The biggest presidential election in my lifetime, and we thought miss counting votes was big. This time we've got a lot of competition, and some big messes to clean up whom ever is chosen has to make this one really count. Among those candidates we have three who have stood out like a sore thumb, a woman, a African American American male and man who says when I am elected the first act I'll do is bring our troops back. Majority of America says we're not ready for a female, and besides that women let their emotions run them. But CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll says Hillary Clinton, Former first lady now in her second term as the Junior senator from New York is taking the lead by 39%. Barack Obama, (the African American male), Former lawyer and state senator who won a U.S. Senate seat in Illinois in 2004. Is not to far behind with 20% which makes him second in line on the opinion poll for democrats. People are saying he is not ready and does not have enough experience in politics, others say he is ready because he hasn't been in long enough for politics to corrupt him. John McCain, the U.S. senator from Arizona ran for the GOP presidential nomination in 2000, but lost to George W. Bush. A republican who says, "when I am elected the first order of business is to bring our troops back". I want to focus on the top candidate in the poll right now Hillary Clinton. Life is about second chances, and making a difference Hillary Clinton voted for U.S. of military forces in Iraq, but now says she would have voted differently "if we knew then what we know now". Supports De-authorizing the war. Voted for war spending bill that would have withdrawn most U.S. troops by march 2008. Opposed Bush plan to increase the number of American troops in Iraq. Supports a phased redeployment and a cap on the number of American troops in Iraq. Clinton on other issues; Abortion, supports abortion rights. Immigration, supported Bush backed immigration reform legislation, which would have increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. Voted to authorize construction of a 700-mile fence along the U.S. Mexican border. Same Sex marriage, Opposes it but supports civil unions. Says states should ultimately decide the issue. Opposes a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. Social Security, Opposed Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts. Tax's, opposed 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts. Opposed extending tax cuts through 2010. America wants a break, the war death toll gets higher by the day, it is costing us billions of dollars to stay over in Iraq. I have heard and read that Hillary Clinton is more of a celebrity than a politician that is why she is getting more votes. U.S. Senator from New York, native of Chicago, Illinois former first lady married to Bill Clinton, A Methodist who attended Wellesley College, B.A., 1969, Yale University Law School, J.D, 1973. Hillary Clinton has the knowledge and the dream of a vision for a better America. She might be the breath of fresh air we are all looking for.


Sampling error: +/-3 percentage points. Based on interviews with 1,017 adult Americans. The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted September7-9,2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"politicall INcorrect"

The war in Iraq, or lets just call it war world III... mabey I won't go as far as to say that but I can say what I feel about it. Oh the freedom of speech (to certain extent). Some of us believe the war is over oil, some of us say it's a power trip for our beloved president that goes back to his fathers presidental days, we'll call that one "unfinished business". Thousands of us say this what they get for the 9/11 attack, and alot of us are unsophisticated or in a better form of wording not informed and don't want to know because the more you know the deeper you get into the rabbit hole. Lets face it times change and people change the times. There are so many things going on in the news that we just can't keep up. I go to bed at night and I am confused. One question, when the general was giving his speech was he telling us what he thought or what Bush thought? In my opinoin there has always been a seperation between the people and the military. The way I have always seen it, the military take care of the military ,and the political take care of the political. It's crazy can he do that, I mean can he make someone give speech, and if so would you say "no mr. president" well apparently so because it happend for the first time in history, I guess thats what makes it history, right. He has worked his whole life to get where he is and where he's going. Think back no other president has ever done this, now I am not saying he's doing the presidents bidding but the controversial question the people have been asking is "should it have happened". Not in my opinion. All I am saying is Some of us can't keep up, just my thoughts this is Elaine in "an argument with ignorance".

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Assuming stage one?

Assuming this is stage one, I have set up my blogger. This was my second day of school and I must say I am no morning person without my coffee which I didn't have this morning.
Story Of my Life...