Monday, December 10, 2007


At a rally Thursday in New York City, Senator Barack Obama referenced the previous night's debate to criticize his opponents. The best way to hurt your opponent is to hit them where it hurts after all they have been doing it to him, by saying how fresh he is to Washington and politics. Social Security, the war in Iraq all the things we want answers to he did not directly give any answerer's but then again he didn't have to as long as he got the crowd going. Then at a later speech he made comments on his own weakness which are his experiences in Washington. First by admitting that he may not have the experience they want him to have but... He has the knowledge. And lets face it people knowledge is power. He went on by saying he has the experience America needs "right now". The problem is not a problem any longer over the past sever months he has shown he has what it takes to continue this race he has the people on his side and he has his competitors shaking with the fear that they might have been wrong about him. Obama has been a community organizer, a civil rights attorney, a law proffer, a state senator, and a United States Senator all over the course of twenty years so controversy no more. He's turned it around for himself by turning his weakness into his strength.

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