Tuesday, September 25, 2007

"politicall INcorrect"

The war in Iraq, or lets just call it war world III... mabey I won't go as far as to say that but I can say what I feel about it. Oh the freedom of speech (to certain extent). Some of us believe the war is over oil, some of us say it's a power trip for our beloved president that goes back to his fathers presidental days, we'll call that one "unfinished business". Thousands of us say this what they get for the 9/11 attack, and alot of us are unsophisticated or in a better form of wording not informed and don't want to know because the more you know the deeper you get into the rabbit hole. Lets face it times change and people change the times. There are so many things going on in the news that we just can't keep up. I go to bed at night and I am confused. One question, when the general was giving his speech was he telling us what he thought or what Bush thought? In my opinoin there has always been a seperation between the people and the military. The way I have always seen it, the military take care of the military ,and the political take care of the political. It's crazy can he do that, I mean can he make someone give speech, and if so would you say "no mr. president" well apparently so because it happend for the first time in history, I guess thats what makes it history, right. He has worked his whole life to get where he is and where he's going. Think back no other president has ever done this, now I am not saying he's doing the presidents bidding but the controversial question the people have been asking is "should it have happened". Not in my opinion. All I am saying is Some of us can't keep up, just my thoughts this is Elaine in "an argument with ignorance".

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