Wednesday, October 3, 2007

"The race is on... again"

The biggest presidential election in my lifetime, and we thought miss counting votes was big. This time we've got a lot of competition, and some big messes to clean up whom ever is chosen has to make this one really count. Among those candidates we have three who have stood out like a sore thumb, a woman, a African American American male and man who says when I am elected the first act I'll do is bring our troops back. Majority of America says we're not ready for a female, and besides that women let their emotions run them. But CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll says Hillary Clinton, Former first lady now in her second term as the Junior senator from New York is taking the lead by 39%. Barack Obama, (the African American male), Former lawyer and state senator who won a U.S. Senate seat in Illinois in 2004. Is not to far behind with 20% which makes him second in line on the opinion poll for democrats. People are saying he is not ready and does not have enough experience in politics, others say he is ready because he hasn't been in long enough for politics to corrupt him. John McCain, the U.S. senator from Arizona ran for the GOP presidential nomination in 2000, but lost to George W. Bush. A republican who says, "when I am elected the first order of business is to bring our troops back". I want to focus on the top candidate in the poll right now Hillary Clinton. Life is about second chances, and making a difference Hillary Clinton voted for U.S. of military forces in Iraq, but now says she would have voted differently "if we knew then what we know now". Supports De-authorizing the war. Voted for war spending bill that would have withdrawn most U.S. troops by march 2008. Opposed Bush plan to increase the number of American troops in Iraq. Supports a phased redeployment and a cap on the number of American troops in Iraq. Clinton on other issues; Abortion, supports abortion rights. Immigration, supported Bush backed immigration reform legislation, which would have increased funding and improved border security technology, improved enforcement of existing laws, and provided a legal path to citizenship for some illegal immigrants. Voted to authorize construction of a 700-mile fence along the U.S. Mexican border. Same Sex marriage, Opposes it but supports civil unions. Says states should ultimately decide the issue. Opposes a constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage. Social Security, Opposed Bush plan allowing workers to divert some Social Security payroll taxes into private retirement accounts. Tax's, opposed 2001 and 2003 Bush tax cuts. Opposed extending tax cuts through 2010. America wants a break, the war death toll gets higher by the day, it is costing us billions of dollars to stay over in Iraq. I have heard and read that Hillary Clinton is more of a celebrity than a politician that is why she is getting more votes. U.S. Senator from New York, native of Chicago, Illinois former first lady married to Bill Clinton, A Methodist who attended Wellesley College, B.A., 1969, Yale University Law School, J.D, 1973. Hillary Clinton has the knowledge and the dream of a vision for a better America. She might be the breath of fresh air we are all looking for.


Sampling error: +/-3 percentage points. Based on interviews with 1,017 adult Americans. The CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll was conducted September7-9,2007

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