Monday, December 10, 2007

The know it all vs. the know nothing at all...

Is Hillary Clinton on the prowl? Well she seems to be preying on Barack Obama's lack of knowledge. The first lady seems to know it all well lets face it, this is not her first round in the white house she has been down this road before. It has been said that although the late president Bill Clinton was the head she just so happened to be the neck holding him up telling him which direction to go in. Although Obama has not been around long he seems to give her a run for her money "literally". In every city Clinton goes to she reminds the people of how we might not want a new guy running a country that is already in trouble. But I beg to differ, America is looking for a change, a breath if fresh air and Clinton may be a bit pushy in delivering her message. Obama is up by 3% not by being pushy but by reminding us of what the know it all have done. The new guy has done his home work and knows where we've been but he also knows where we want to go. Not long ago he was closer to where we are than Clinton. .And the people want someone they can relate to not someone who seems to know it all. Oprah Winfrey appeared with Senator Barack Obama. Chelsea Clinton joined her mother on the campaign trail for the first time. While Clinton was giving a speech she brought up her mother and her daughter speaking on generation and how thru the differant generations we change, but my question to you is are we ready for the change Obama can bring or Clinton.

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