Thursday, November 1, 2007

Gonna put on my dancin shoes...

Gonna put on my dancing shoes, and... wait this is the presidential election not a dancing contest so why is it that Hillary was out dancing the rest of the candidates.
New York governor Elliot Spitcher has decided to give driver license to illegal immigrants, but that means they are no longer illegal right? Does that also mean they will pay taxes just like the rest of us? Well lets hope so. Is there an echo in here because this sounds familiar, that's because it is. In 2004 a republican governor enclosed legislation to give driver license to illegal immigrants in Florida, the culprit Jed Bush.


Hillary Clinton the senator of New York asks "what are we going to do with all the illegal immigrants?" also saying, "I did not say it should be done, but I certainly recognize why governor spitcher is trying to do it".
Barack Obama, also a democrat candidate says, "I am confused on her answer" Maybe he is confused because of his lack of experience and needless to say knowledge in politics, it's a dirty game boys. I don't know if he can take the punches he throwing. When the boxing gloves were given to Clinton her reply was"I'll go ten rounds for Americas working citizens". But is an illegal immigrant an American Citizen? Not until they all get drivers license and socials'. Senator Chris Dodd a democrat for the presidential candidacy was the only one who actually said no, "a driver license is a privilege, and should not be extended". If you can't beat them... gang up on them.
Obama, took a low blow trying to get dirty taking it back to when she defended bush at the beginning of the war but as we all know her statement was at that time "if I knew then what I know now my choice would have been different" why is it he backed her then and not now. Politics is a dirty game, and Obama just can't help himself. Bill Richardson, defending Clinton by suggesting things were getting a little too personal. I agree to disagree, no that's what Clinton would say, This a debate aren't things supposed to get personal.
"Both dismissive of effort to enforce our nations immigration laws and entirely unwilling to offer a straight answer to a very direct question" from a Romney Spokesman. Talk about your accusations, but this was not an accusation this is the plain truth. The question is why won't Hillary Clinton give a straight answer to the questions she's being asked? Gonna put on those dancing shoes and kick up some dust, but at some point the answers will come out. I certainly hope she is not just telling us what we want to hear. Like for example when she is elected the war will be over, no way. There is no way we can pull out of a war after everything we've gone Thur. Question: do you have answers, Or are you telling us what we want to hear? Either way Clinton is still in the lead.